Painting like a pro

A new painting studio with a tasty twist opens at the West End

Amira Warren and Erin Wells

Far from West End’s usual restaurants and clothing stores, Brush Studio is a painting studio that offers food and allows students to explore their artistic abilities.

Walking through the shops at West End,  visitors may find many participating in art classes.

In addition to a free-paint, artists and residents guide classes through basic painting techniques, that by the end look like a professional painting.

Sophomore Polina Pekurovsky said she thinks venues for the arts are lacking in the St. Louis Park community and it is important to include places like Brush Studio.

“We need more art in the community,” Pekurovsky said. “I think a lot of people are interested in art, they just don’t know how to get started.”

Though some may be skeptical of painting because of their lack of artistic abilities, owners and co-founders of Brush Studio Jodi Karn and Jean Forbes said the studio is designed for all artistic abilities, with the chance to socialize as well and listen to music and eat.

“Brush Studio is an instructional art studio with classes,” Forbes said. “(Teachers) go step-by-step, turn on music and allow everyone to socialize as they create their paintings. Many people are nervous in the beginning, but everyone’s amazed with the results by the end of the class.”

Freshman Sydney Hall said although she has never gone to the studio, she would still consider participating.

“It sounds like a fun social experience, someplace I could bring a lot of friends,” Hall said. “I think the food and art part is an OK combination. I have never painted before, but I am willing to try.”

In addition, freshman Nina Afremov said she thinks the studio offers a valuable social experience.

“It sounds like a good way to develop artistic skills and meet other people while doing it,” Afremov said. “I like to learn how to do new things, and painting seems like a good thing to learn to do.”

Brush Studio opened in early December. Forbes said her favorite part about her studio is giving people a chance to step outside their comfort zones.

“Brush Studio gives you a chance to think outside the box,” Forbes said. “Instead of going to the movies you could come here visit and talk. It’s also an awesome date night.”

Karn also said the location and the atmosphere sets the studio apart from others, as well as her favorite part of Brush Studio.

“What makes Brush Studio so unique is that we have a really awesome space. It has that warehouse feel in a classic way,” Karn said.

The studio is family-oriented, with the social aspect for high school students.

“You also don’t sit passively listening, it is very interactive,” Karn said. “Students should come if they want to have a fun and relaxing time with friends and family or to meet new people.”